Catholic Executive Coach

Welcome to Our Catholic
Executive Coach Website

Connected by Faith, Peace, Joy, Hope, and Love

Are you a Catholic professional or executive who wants to do well at work and also follow our Catholic teachings? Living your faith while trying to accomplish many things in life can be difficult when you do not have the support and guidance you need to thrive and live your life to the fullest according to our Catholic principles. We specialize in working with Catholic executives and leaders of companies and organizations as well as professionals. We have provided workshops and coached over 500 leaders from companies and organizations including lay and clerical leaders, directors, doctors, lawyers, executives, and many other professionals on life topics such as self-development, parenting issues, family issues and professional topics such as business, management, and leadership skills. Our co-founder, Dr. Krysti, is a Board Certified Executive Coach with years of experience in executive coaching and is also a professional speaker. She is well-versed in theoretical concepts with experience as a Catholic Executive Coach. Dr. Krysti holds a number of certificates in Leadership Management and degrees such as Theology, Neuroscience Behaviors, Counseling, and Psychology. Additionally, she is certified in many well-known Leadership, Psychological, and Educational Assessments with high rates of validity and reliability. Her research focused on analyzing the preferred managerial tactics of healthcare organization employees. Dr. Krysti has presented her papers and provided workshops or training to leaders on various topics at National and International Conferences for Healthcare and other Professional industries.

Our mission is to work with you to find a healthy balance between work, life, and living the Catholic teachings according to our Catholic Church.  We have also worked with non-Catholic clients. If you are not a Catholic and would like to work with us, we welcome you. We respect your views and beliefs as well.

Our coaching model is based on the principles of the “Peace Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi”. It is a great challenge to achieve alone. However, with guidance from the Holy Spirit and grace from God, we can achieve these goals. As St. Antony of Padua beautifully summarized it, “With love in our hearts, we will approach God with humility, others with compassion, and ourselves with respect and honor.”

We want to advocate for Catholic professionals to live happily and healthily, both in life and at the workplace. As Pope John Paul II stated, “Only a Christian anthropology, enriched by the contribution of indisputable scientific data, including that of modern psychology and psychiatry, can offer a complete and thus realistic vision of humans.” JPI 605/839 from Here are some of the testimonials:“Dr. Krysti is known for her collaborations in a cross-functional working environment and elevates initial ideas to workable coaching and learning solutions. She is results-oriented and possesses solid theoretical comprehension and practical application of maximizing human potential. A leader with experience in developing talent in cross-cultural environments, Dr. Krysti finds innovative methods for improvement yet maintains genuine personal contact with those she encounters.”   Sheryl H., Ph. D. Feedback from a physician client:“1. You guided me to know myself better.2. You encouraged and help give me a realistic and different perspective.3. You empowered me.4. You worked with me in a way that respected my views and beliefs about my faith/religion.5. You helped me come up with concrete actions to take to make myself better.6. You are easy to talk to and a strong source of support.7. You were there for me when I was going through difficult moments in life.I have come a long way in the amount of time I have worked with you. I have a better understanding of myself and feel happier and and more at peace. I am a better person overall and have a more positive attitude in life.” M. J. L.(Physician)

Click on the picture below to read an article on Life Mapping: A Vision of Success.

 “I am very thankful for the support and guidance of Dr. Krysti, who have helped me process information externally and in a safe environment. Even though at one point I projected my issues onto her, she was calm and collected in guiding me back to the topic at hand. She was patient and calm in bringing me back to the objective of the session. From her guidance, I learned how to calm my emotions with self-soothing methods like breathing, working on my session’s assignments, and journaling. From her accompaniment, I also attained a more balanced perspective of people in having realistic expectations of humans. I’m too idealistic in my view of the world and people, which causes me to harbor resentment when unmet expectation arises (that’s like every day and with everyone including myself). She’s been a helpful advocate to the religious life since she agreed to help upon the fact that I am discerning and seriously working on myself before entering a convent. Her faith has helped draw me back to God, and I have learned how this chaos can be processed with God and not to hide from God out of shame. I’ve learned that I am stronger than I thought and that there are certainly less negatives than I thought in this world. Thank you, Dr. Krysti.”  W.Y. (Healthcare Professional).

                                                                                Our Services:

1. Leadership or Management Coaching (Communication, Conflict Resolution, Assessments)

2. Life or Personal Coaching (Life Purpose, Marriage, Parenting Skills, Interpersonal Skills)

3. Professional or Career Coaching (Career Assessments, Career Change, Workplace Topics)

4. Business Coaching (Solutions-focused, Organizational Culture)

5. Wellness Coaching (Anxiety, Depression, Sleep Problems, Life Transitions, Stress Management)

Click on the picture below to receive a FREE EBOOK:

Thank you for visiting us today. We invite you to visit our Resource Page for apps, links, books, and resources that may be helpful to your Catholic Faith journey. If it’s helpful to you, feel free to share them. You can also visit our Blog Page for more articles on self-development. You are invited to join our newsletter group by submitting the Contact Form on this page to receive news on new products, podcasts, and resources. We look forward to partnering with you to support you on your faith journey and life goals.

Peace Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi (Traditional)Lord make me an instrument of your peace
Where there is hatred let me sow love
Where there is injury, pardon
Where there is doubt, faith
Where there is despair, hope
Where there is darkness, light
And where there is sadness, joyO divine master grant that I may
not so much seek to be consoled as to console
to be understood as to understand
To be loved as to love
For it is in giving that we receive
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned
And it’s in dying that we are born to eternal life.

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Text Us to set up a free 10 minutes consultation: 949-866-3392





Join Our Catholic Executives and Professional Facebook Group Below


“Dr. Krysti redirected me to think positive and to focus on the good things in my life rather than dwell on my broken past. Her encouragement, support, and guidance helped me to overcome the hurdles and to redefine the directions of my life. I highly recommend Dr. Krysti to anyone who is seeking a board certified executive professional coach. Her expertise, experience, knowledge, and likable personality will not disappoint.”
C.T., Physician

“We wanna thank you for being the part of our healing process. We would not make it this far and this clarity without your help. Thank you so much Dr. Krysti”.
A. J. (Executive) & J. J. (Nurse)

“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.”
— Helen Keller

1. Are you overwhelmed and stressed out with work and/or personal life?

2. Are you working in an environment that surrounded by stressed/overwhelmed peers, colleagues, and managers?

3. Have you been practicing emotional numbness attitude because you are lost despite having a successful career?

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One-on-One Coaching

If you live in Orange County, California, you have an option to make an appointment for a session in our office. We offer Video or Phone sessions for clients who live outside of Orange County, California, including international clients. Contact us via our Contact Form or leave us a voicemail.

Effective Workshops for Your Organization

1. Want your employees to be happy at work and reduce stress? Contact us.

2. Want your employees to reduce conflict and work well with each other? We have many assessments and workshops to help them. Contact us for more information.

Online Business Course for Small Business Owners

Watch Our Online Course Webinar Presentation Information About The Course. Click Here

Watch Our Course Demo Video, Click Here

When You Are Ready, Click Here to Sign Up

As a small business owner, you want to dominate your market so you can get more leads and make profits. This course has 52 videos for 52 weeks, worksheet, and marketing materials. You will receive a video per week along with the worksheet. Your business will not be the same a year later, as long as you are going to apply what you’ve learned in this course throughout the year.

“Overall, the results from the training had a great impact on my current role. My communication skills have improved as I became a well- respected leader to all cross-functional team members. My strategy is clear and followed by a result-driven plan and implementation. I was able to resolve and balance out work and family issues. I have seen improvements in leadership weaknesses and I have been more confident with my strengths after working with Dr. Krysti. I personally would like to thank Dr. Krysti for her excellent training module and a knowledgeable coach/advisor/trainer. I highly recommend these services to anyone who is about to step into a management role after being on the technical ladder for some time.”

“Dr. Krysti is an amazing coach. We have worked with other practitioners before, but only Dr. Krysti could connect with us at a deeper level. She has helped us tremendously.”
K. V. Entrepreneur

“One of the most important and best thing in my life was to call and see Dr. Krysti for coaching in regards to my marriage…”
P.D. Engineer

“Success isn’t just about what you accomplish in your life; it’s about what you inspire others to do.”
— Unknown

1. Are you an executive who is stressed out or burnout from your career?

2. Are you a manager who has great technical skills but don’t understand why your team does not follow your leads?

3. Are you a successful business owner but your personal life is unmanageable?

4. Have you been feeling stressed/overwhelmed for a while because you are stuck and do not know what to do with the situation you are in?

5. Do you find yourself going through life without purpose?

6. Does your company/business need some assessments to find the next best and effective leader or manager?

Connect with Dr. Krysti to help you find solutions to your needs and to help your company achieve her goals. Dr. Krysti is certified in a number of well-known, high validity, and reliability assessments that can help you to find an effective leader for your business or your company.


Whether you like it or not, up to 60,000 thoughts go through your mind every day.

And of course, the contents of the thoughts will determine what happens to you in life and even how you live.

It’s therefore important that you control your thoughts……that’s the only way you can be in control of your life.

If you want to take control of your life, you need to download and read this eBook.

Here’s where to download it.

It will help you gain back your happiness and easily excel in any area of your life.

So go pick it up now that it’s still free.

Here’s the download link once again

Do You Have a Website? Our Affiliate Company Can Help It To Be More Interactive With Your Audience. Click Here or The Picture Below For More Info.

Our Affiliate Can Create Graphic for Your Social Media Ads or Covers for Facebook, Linked-in, Instagram, Twitter, and Videos. Click Here For More Info

Click Here To Listen To Wellness With Dr. Krysti Podcast. More New Episodes Will Be Added With Tips on Wellness, Health, Career, Relationships, and Finances. Subscribe Below.

Click Here to Subscribe to Our Podcast: Wellness With Dr. Krysti

Podcasts on Self-Improvements Tips to motivate you to achieve your wellness goals (health, relationships, career, finance, mind, body and soul). Share and check out my podcast, Wellness With Dr. Krysti, on 

Click on one of the platforms below to listen to our podcasts:


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